April 26, 2011

Spiderling vs Rooster

An unfortunate spiderling tries in vain to escape by crawling up the web, eventually losing to the hungry and very stylishy coiffed rooster. This photograph was captured near Croydon, Ont.
f/2.8 , 1/1250

April 19, 2011

Baie des Ha! Ha!

Sunset over La Baie des Ha! Ha!  La Baie is a borough of the city of Saguenay, located where the Riviere a Mars flows into the Baie des Ha! Ha!
The Saguenay River is a major river of Quebec draining into the St Lawrence River at Tadoussac.
The river has a very high flow-rate and is bordered by steep cliffs associated with the Saguenay graben. Tide waters flow in its fjord upriver as far as Chicoutimi (about 100 kilometres). Many Beluga whales breed in the cold waters at its mouth. Greenland sharks also frequent the depths of the fjord, which is at some points 800 ft deep.
f/3.5, 1/100

April 10, 2011

Ahhh,... the Life....

Some lucky people out cruising on the Big Rideau Lake, near Perth, Ont.. ,,,slowly putting by Snake Island at the mouth of Horseshoe Bay.
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