January 25, 2011

Just How Cold Is It?

The temperature is a f-f-frigid minus 20 C.
 Boiling water thrown into the air changes state to powder instantly! This photograph was captured near Napanee, Ontario. The shot is taken with the Canon 5D Mark ll, the 24-105 lens at f/4, 1/125 shutter.

photography by http://www.ourstorycreations.com/

January 18, 2011

No Thanks, Not For Me

Most dogs dislike grapes and it appears that Elsie is no exception. (Dogs prefer beer) And if she did like wine we definitely would not have allowed her to sample, even if it was Christmas. Originally thought to be an urban legend, it is now known that raisins and grapes are indeed toxic to dogs.
This image was captured with a Canon T1i at  f/4 with an exposure of 1/60.

see more photographs, visit http://www.ourstorycreations.com/

January 12, 2011


Some turkey vultures perched on saguaro cacti, just outside of San Bartolo, Baja California, Mexico.
This image was captured mid-morning from (what felt like) a safe distance. The aperture was f/4 with an exposure of 1/500.

visit http://www.ourstorycreations.com/

January 4, 2011

Lazy Days at the Marina...

The Aylmer Marina, a hidden gem along the north shore of the Ottawa River. This image was captured in the late afternoon with an aperture setting of f/4 and exposure time of 1/125.  
visit http://www.ourstorycreations.com/